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Monday 18 April 2022


Bare feet touched bedroom carpet
 at 5-17 a.m.
Booted feet touched car park tarmac 
at 5-46 a.m.
As he prepared to leave the van, the distant wave lady arrived.
He wanted her to enjoy the space so he found reasons to faff on in the van.
If there is one thing he is good at, it's faffing.
A few minutes later he set off.
The distant wave lady and her dog were a good distant wave away by now.

It was daylight but nevertheless a big silver coin of a moon hung in the sky to the west.

They reached the beach.
There was low cloud once more.
There was a slight gap on the horizon.
The sun may show as it rose from the horizon.

It did.
It was mild once more.
That makes four days running that no coat was needed, though rest assured, no running took place.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south on the narrow beach.
The tide was well in.

The distant wave lady  was already down by the grey rocks, watching  the sun come and go.

The non faff man arrived.
He must have faffed?
He overtook Beach Buoy as he headed south.

A Zorro-masked sun watched the beach comings and goings.

Up ahead paths crossed.
Chat was chatted.
A wooden chip shop fork lay on the beach, like a small stranded fish gasping for air.

The distant wave lady passed by.
They chatted too.
Hugo the dog enjoyed a neck scratch.

"See yah later."
"See yah, have a good day."

A Crow crowed as it flew towards the village to the north.
 It was about a mile away, as the crow flies.

Beach Buoy gathered five beach stones then headed up to see his mate.

"Morning Mate.'
Beach Buoy added the stones.
He patted

The 7 a.m. club were on their way.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked south along the dune edge.
He paused
The 7 a.m. club came and went.
Beach Buoy headed back to a spot just in front of the stack.
He knew a lull was coming 
The initial sunrise rush was over.
So often the beach will fall quiet for a while before the next wave (of people) would arrive.

Coffee time.
A camera-shy seal popped up, perhaps to see if any biscuits were "going spare."
Ha ha hearty ha ha!
Another Dog dug a hole in the sloping sandy dune bank, then sat in it.
The seal popped up again.
For a moment, The Sea Serpent, The Seal and Beach Buoy were perfectly aligned.
The Skylark sang.

Sea Serpent.
Some bloke sat on the beach.

It was lovely.

After a while others could be seen heading south.
South with bare legs!

An imagined Post Card from Seaton Carew.

Having a lovely time.
Wish you were here.
Bouncy Castlegate has kicked off here big time.
Local press and radio involved now.
Being blown up out of all proportion now if you ask me 
For the record, white wine is best with crisps.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back.

The bare legs that came along overtook and headed back; sea swimmers with beach  "dressing gowns" on.
Mr Gunn/ Nunn approached, he is the dot in the distance.
They chatted.
Alfie his dog, was once very reluctant to come over. 
He comes now for a neck scratch.

 A metal detectorist searched the dune tops.
He stooped to dig in the sand looking for excuses.

In the car park the lady who checks parking meters for returned coins did just that.

The van offered shelter from the breeze.
The sun warmed Beach Buoy's face.
He fell asleep.

A half hour nod, then to wake and be at the beach.

Beach Buoy.