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Sunday 24 April 2022


Beach Buoy has mentioned before that on work days, his alarm is set for 5-10 a.m.
So, even on days off his body clock can kick in.
Beach Buoy woke at 5-07 a.m.
He had checked the sunrise time;5-42.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 5-28.
The distant wave lady reached the car park at 5-29.
Once more, Beach Buoy faffed to allow the lady some distance and privacy.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the water's edge at 5-36 a.m. 
A photographer with a tripod stood to the north.
Beach Buoy presumed that the silver Ford Transit Van in the car park was his?

The photographer crouched to check the shot.

5-42 a.m the tip of the sun showed.
Click, click, click.
Out of nowhere, Hugo the distant wave lady's dog came over for a neck scratch.
Beach Buoy obliged.
The dog, a foreign rescue dog had become more trusting of Beach Buoy.
Now when the big dog comes over, he leans up against Beach Buoy's leg during the scratch.
In a flash the dog was off, playing catch up with the distant wave lady who was off in the distance.
Beach Buoy took out his phone.

It is surprising just how quickly the sun rises.

The photographer clicked away.

The distant wave lady and friend were well to the south.

Beach Buoy took too many sunrise photographs, if there is such a thing.
No... Maybe there isn't.

Some of the beach pools lined up like the bones of a filleted fish.

"Fly me to the moon."
I said "The Moon!"

Sun trapped.

The tide was heading back in.

The 7 a.m. club were to the north.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
The distant wave lady and friend were heading back. 
Distant waves were exchanged.
Hugo came for a second hello.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up the sandy slope, beach stones in hand.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy placed the stones on the stack.
He patted 
It was blowy up at the stack today.
Coffee can wait a bit longer.
Even though Beach Buoy was windswept and Dunes were interesting.

They headed to Sand Martin Corner.
The 7 a.m. club overtook them.
" Morning."

The 7 a.m. club headed back.
The beach a the south was theirs now.

After a while others appeared.

 Beach sundial.
Beach o'clock.