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Saturday 20 July 2024


 Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-30 a.m.

The lady who once fell off her bike was walking to the south end of The Esplanade.

It was muggy.
Not a breath of wind or whisper of a breeze.

The tide was a fair way out.

Word was over 140 Little Tern and 28 Plover chicks this year.

Many has seemed to have left already.

Lovely light shone down onto the turbines.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.

The 7 a.m. club and Scruffy and Mam passed by.
 They paused to chat.
They went their separate ways.

Team one black ear passed by.
They paused to chat.

Up at the top of the big slope.
It was 7 a.m.

The "easy" route looked like it led to the Sun.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
It was 7-04.
He added some stones.
He patted
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He watched the sea sparkle.

A man walked southwards along the water's edge.
He was ankle deep in the water.
His shoes were tied by his laces, hanging round his neck.
The worst earrings ever.

Behind him a Seal broke the surface of the sea.

The man who once had four dogs seemed to only have two 
The third one was stood to the north, cooling it's paws in the sea.
It caught up not too long afterwards.
They are all splendid dogs.

"See you mate."
They headed back.
Along the "easy" route.
Down the big slope.

They returned to the beach.

Team Muzzled Dog passed by.

At the access ramp, Beach Buoy paused to let four horses walk down onto the beach.

Six men set off for a sea swim.