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Thursday 11 July 2024


 Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-20 p.m.

It was overcast.
The tide was well in. 
There was a fresh breeze from the north.

They headed southwards.
Way ahead, about 50 Gulls stood by the sea.
There may have been 49?

The birds stood looking out to sea, like old fishermen that were trying to judge the weather and the possible risks of heading out to sea.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked the
"Easy" route.

"Evening Mate."
To be honest it was more like 
"Morn, Aft, Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added six stones.
He patted 
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank fizzy water.

Beach Buoy sat watching the sea, like one of the 49 to 50 Gulls that lined the beach below.

The Dune's Marram Grass shied away from the sea in the strengthening breeze 
It's curves matching those of the breaking waves on the beach below.

He took deep breaths of sea air.

"See you mate."

They began to return to the north.

Back along the "easy" route.

The route goes close to the dune edge.
It gives a great view of the beach ahead. 

A slow walk back.

To the south, others chatted as horses returned to the beach, after their dune walk.

A big friendly looking black dog as big as a Shetland Pony ran to the sea like a child on a school trip.

Around 30 Little Terns circled in the air, above the nesting site.
It may have been 29?

The two horse riders that had been in the dunes for a wander, headed northwards, close to the water's edge.

Life is short.
A lesson that sometimes should be taught.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the van.