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Sunday 7 July 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 7-15 a.m.

The lady who once fell off her bike, walked to the south end of The Esplanade with a fellow early morning walker.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the sea.

It was mild.
The tide was heading out.
The Little Terns filled the air in person and in voice.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were up ahead, returning northwards.

Team Muzzled Dog had joined the beach around the same time as Beach Buoy.
They headed off at a quicker pace.

The man who once had a Beagle but now had a Spaniel passed by 
They paused to chat.

They went their separate ways.
In next to no time at all he was a dot in the distance.

A metal detectorist worked the beach...

At the base of the Sand Dunes, where it becomes the beach, Pied-Wagtails wagged.
Each wag, a mini distant wave to a passing Beach Buoy.

Out in the bay, the Sea Serpent did what Sea Serpents do best.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog climbed The Big Slope.
They walked the "easy" route.
Beach Buoy took care not to step on any of the Snails that were crossing the sandy pathway.

"Morning Mate."
It was 7-41.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

He took a seat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

Marram Grass going to seed.
Fizzy water view today.
No coffee.
A few Sand Martins flew around.
No Skylark song again today.

A man without a dog , looked up towards the stack as he walked the beach below.

"See you mate."
They returned to the beach.

Slow walk back.

A couple with a Spaniel headed south.

A lady in red threw stones into the sea for two large dogs.

A lady in bright pink trainers walked backwards towards the sea.

She crouched and took photographs of her two little dogs as she did so.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back to the van as the man on a tricycle round to the south end of The Esplanade.