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Sunday 14 July 2024



Wonders will never cease.
It hadn't rained for almost an hour.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off on foot from the house.
It rained.
Just spits and spots but rain nevertheless.
They arrived at 10-46 a.m.
The air was full of Little Terns, both sight and sound.

People and dogs looked like silhouettes.

The tide was well in.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
A small black dog came over to sniff.
Beach Buoy chatted to the dog's owners as they took walked southwards.

The rain had all but stopped. 

Beach Buoy, Another Dog and a flask of coffee headed for Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Morning Mate."
It was 11-18.

Beach Buoy sat on a wet driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank the coffee 
It went down well.

It started to proper rain.
No spits.
No spots. 
Just splats.

Two hoods up, over a wooly hat.

"See you mate."
They headed back along the "easy" route. 

Others on the beach below turned back.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the north.


Horse and Brolly.