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Saturday 13 July 2024



Beach Buoy had been up ages.

It was raining.

He sat with a coffee, doing the blog.

He heard voices, no not that type.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were walking by, heading for the beach.

He decided to do the same, rain or not.

He grabbed a confused Another Dog.

They set off in the van.

They reached the beach at 6-58 a.m.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were just heading down the beach access ramp.

They walk at a canny speed.

The rain actually sounded heavier on the van's roof.

In reality, outside it felt like more of a drizzle.

He was glad they had made the effort.

It looked like team one black ear had called off a beach walk?

They had returned back along The Esplanade.

If Beach Buoy is off  work, he ends up out of sorts if he doesn't do any early beach 

It's like brain breakfast.

Purdy and Mam had joined the beach at the same time.
They walked and talked until Purdy spotted the man who used to have three dogs but now has four.
"Catch you later Paul."
Purdy's mam went off to retrieve Purdy.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
Team three dogs caught up 
The discussed the disgusting weather.

Team three dogs headed off at a different and slightly quicker pace. 

At the top of The Big Slope, Beach Buoy checked the beach below.

Gulls struggled to head into the headwind.
Again, no Sand Martins or Skylarks.

"Morning Mate."
It was 7-32.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank fizzy water.

Beach Buoy checked the beach below before setting off back along the "easy" route.

Gulls hung just above them.
Heading northwards in a breeze that had become a wind.
Beach Buoy wondered if he could hang in the updraught too?
He held out his arms at the top of The Big Slope.
He didn't take flight.
That beach bag being just a shade too heavy...

Back on the beach, a jogger jogged southwards.
Every step looked like the one before he would fall.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued north.

It was a bit of a zig-zag route as approaching people and their dogs seemed to determined to bump into Beach Buoy.

At times, some even throw balls for their dogs directly at them.

Time for a beach etiquette book to be published...

Safely back in the van from increasing rainfall and bouncing beach balls.

Not Beach Buoy and not Another Dog headed along The Esplanade like stunt doubles.