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Tuesday 2 July 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-15 p.m.
About the same time as up to
Fifty Scouts, fifty Buckets and fifty spades did.
The Scouts claimed the beach access ramp.
Beach Buoy accessed the beach via the low wall at the southernmost end of The Esplanade.

Down at the water's edge a horse and rider headed south.
Behind them rain fell out at sea. 

The Scouts set up on various locations.

The group that chose the wetter set would have more success in building sand castles.

Beach Buoy  and Another Dog headed south.
They walked midway between the sea and the dunes.
The tide was well out.
It was a mild evening.
A breeze blew from the west.

Up ahead, the litter pick lady worked the strand-line.

They headed to the top of The Big Slope.
The "easy" route stretched through the dunes.

"Evening Mate."
It was 6-40.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He watched as a strong warm breeze sound the bright white blades of The Wind Turbines.
He sipped at the coffee in a thermal cup.

On the beach below, a lady walked her doodle dog.
The little dog chased every Gull that was resting along the water's edge.

A Big Bee bumbled into the strong breeze as if it were a calm day.

"See you mate."
They returned to the beach.

The elderly man with an elderly greyhound rested on the dune edge.
Distant waves were shared as they passed by.

To the north, sand activities were still in progress.