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Sunday 7 July 2024



An evening visit.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 7-17.
There was a fading rainbow over the dunes.
Teenagers played car park football, their small hatch back cars the crowd.

Young ladies sat in a car, all looking at their mobile phones.
A man sat in his, eating chips hurridledly. 

 Couple headed towards the village as the tide edged out.

Another couple headed northwards as a family played by the sea.

It was mild, overcast without the hint of a breeze.
Finally a break from recent blowy days.
The bay's wind turbines stood idle.
Blades at all differing angles.
Like giant clocks, arguing over the time.

Beachcombers to the south.
They had a Lhassa Apso
(Same breed as Stubborn and Another Dog.)

Beach Buoy...
 Is that one as stubborn as this one ?"
"Yes, you bet."

Another started at the dog as if in shock. Stubborn Dog would do the same whenever seeing a dog if the same breed.
He knew.
She knows.

Up at the top of the big slope.
The beachcombers had plenty of space to themselves.
The out-going tide gave up fresh beach to search.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.

A Small Ship left the river.

A handful of Sand Martins flew around.
Again , the Skylarks were silent.

"See you mate."

The headed back.

The Sun showed up at 8-20 p.m.

It was after 8-30 p.m.
The Little Tern Warden watch busy putting red and white barrier tape on each stick of the boundary fencing.
Sand was building up against the fencing in places, making it look less of a deterrent. 

Excellent work.