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Wednesday 17 July 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-29 a.m.
There was a hint of summer, finally!
There was an outbreak of sand castles around the bottom of the access ramp.
Beach Buoy's mate, who has just passed away used to joke a Grumpy Beach Buoy would chase people off the beach. He also joked that Beach Buoy would flatten any Sand Castles that he found.

Beach Buoy flattened one 
Just for Geoff. 

The tide was way out.
The distant sea and even more distant sky were blue with a touch of gold.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were to the south.

The 7 a.m. club came over.
They chatted about the weather.
They went their separate ways.

A big dog on the loose, along the dune edge was causing concern.
Thankfully it amounted to nothing.

They continued south.
Team one black ear passed at a distance.
Distant waves were shared.

They climbed The Big Slope.
The Silence of Skylarks filled the air.

Only a couple of Sand Martins swooped around.

"Morning Mate."
It was just after 7 a.m.
He added some t.
He patted 
He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank fizzy water.
He watched the sea.

Mr.Gunn/Lunn walked southwards on the beach below.
They shared a distant wave.

In time...
"See you mate."
They continued southwards 

The Machine Gun Post at Sand Martin Corner is crumbling as time goes on.

They headed back.

The Sea Serpent Marker and the Oil Rig transporter.
Beach Buoy waved to Stubborn Dog Stack as they passed on the beach below.

They headed back to the van.