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Monday 30 September 2019


After Sunday's soaking, Beach Buoy was determined to beat the weather.
It had been sunny.
Typically, after work it clouded over and rain looked to be on the cards?
So Beach Buoy showed his hand and headed for the beach earlier than he normally would have done.
With two Dogs and a pair of Aces in tow he reaches the Car park at 4-40pm.

There was a wind off the Sea to the east.
The tide was high and still coming in.
Thankfully a man who had arrived with a noisy dog headed for the dunes; the noise followed.

Still lots of driftwood.....

...of different types

A pair of Trunks..
A  young couple went by with their driftwood collection.

Beach Buoy went to the Grey Rocks that are opposite the Sea Serpent Marker.
It was a few minutes to high tide.
The Sea hugged the rocks with both arms, like it would never let go.

In time it would.
Everything does.
Tide and time wait for no man,


Just part of the beach clean.
Blue sponge balls and lighters; regulars after a Stormy Sea.

They headed back along the narrow beach.
The high tide waves kissed the dune edges.
Not to be confused with a girl who was a Prefect at Beach Buoy's school
June Hedges.

An earlier and bigger high tide had flooded the Little Tern  nest site... thankfully
those birds had flown.

Full house for Beach Buoy , the walk was done in the dry.
To make it 2-1 to Beach Buoy the rain came with a diving header as they left the car park...
"Back of the Net!"