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Wednesday 18 September 2019


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog went to Newburn Bridge  Car park to eat and drink.
In  November 1901 at this spot, Beach Buoy's Great Grandfather went into the Sea to help in the rescue of some of the crew of The Trio.
He was awarded the Sea Gallantry Medal and a Gold medal from the Town.
Flat-capped onlookers look on as the ship flounders and the rescue takes place.

Back in the here and now Beach Buoy drove along The Sea Front to the usual Car Park.
It was Surfers entering the water today, not rescuers.
There were a few VW vans nearby by; a Surfer must have.
One Surfer didn't have and he was rolling about with his wet / dry suit near a flowerbed as if fighting an alligator.
It had been as bright as a Sunflower and as fresh as a Daisy
but it had dulled a little and somewhat  warmed up a touch.

Only a couple of the Wind Turbines in the bay were turning albeit slowly; waving from the waves
The others stood motionless, like the large hands on a group of broken clocks.
Beach Buoy looked towards the Sea Serpent.
The Serpent rolled and twisted, letting Beach Buoy know that his watery friend was fit and well after the previous nights rough seas.
 Apparently he had gone to his sea bed early with a Hot Sea Water Bottle and slept through most of the commotion.
Like when Humans sleep soundly while the sound of a rainstorm calms them.

The Sea looked grand.
It had a metallic feel to it today... in a good way, not in a pollution way.
They had a stand and think then walked back; well Beach Buoy walked and Stubborn Dog Sand Skied his way back to the van.
Seagulls returned to the Bay in Dribs and Drabs after a days scavenging .
Dribs are the larger of the two planes that the Seagulls use.
Drabs are the quicker of the two, despite the fact  that it only has one engine.