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Wednesday 11 September 2019


The photograph of the van was taken during a May, 2019 trip to the west coast of England. Beach Buoy had been made Redundant and needed to divorce himself from the company had worked for, for many years.
Basically a Beach Bum, for a week; it was needed.
To cap it off, his phone rang via Bluetooth, with a job on the way back to the cold reality of the "real" world.

Why the photograph now?
Tonight Beach Buoy was driving to the Car Park to do the usual Groundhog Day Beach walk.
He pulled up alongside a couple just getting out of their car, in preparation for a dog walk.

"I'm Jealous." said the man.
"Don't be." replied Beach Buoy.
A guided tour of the van took place.
Beach Buoy gave them some advice on buying one and threw in a VW magazine that he had in the van, for further information and temptation.
Thank yous and goodbyes were exchanged and they went their separate ways.

It was around 7 pm when they hit the Beach.
The was a breeze from the west.
The tide was well out.

The beach was quiet.

View to the North.....

They continued South on THEIR beach.

Black smoke blew down the river from the southern side and out to sea in hot pursuit of Beach Buoy's hopes and dreams.

The light changed as the Sun lowered and Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed back.
A Jogger approached as if he had a message to convey.
It became obvious that the message was for someone else.

Sometimes having your head in the clouds is the only place to be.
As much as Beach Buoy loves the Beach, burying you head in the sand instead, is not the way to go.

As Beach Buoy left the beach, a couple down by the water's edge held onto each other as if the world was ending.
It was just the day that was ending this time.
The end of the world isn't for a couple of years yet.
Hold tight.