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Tuesday 10 September 2019


6-30 pm
It was mild evening.
There  was a light and slight breeze from the west.
As Beach Buoy and the two dogs walked down the beach access ramp, two dandelion seeds danced in the breeze before them; Beach Fairies leading the way.

A metal detectorist scanned the beach silently, with the look of a creeping cleric.

The tide was well out.
The three headed South.

Down on the beach a Grandad and lad fished on the beach.
As Beach Buoy approached they packed up, the headed off down the North Gare Pier.

The Beach belonged to them once more.

They had a slow, peaceful walk back.

The peace was not a given.

Towards the latter stages of the walk Beach Buoy could hear screeching.
To the East on the right it was the Gulls
To the West, on the left it was the Boy Racer's  in the car park.

Beach Buoy.