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Sunday 22 September 2019


It was dark.
Beach Buoy reached for his mobile phone in the darkness.
It was on the floor and on charge.
After flapping around like a flappy thing he had it.
He was guessing it would say 5-09am.
As he looked at the bright screen the clock changed from
 5-59 am to 6-00 am.
A sleep in!
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog pulled into the Car Park at 6-25am.
The Council Sweeper-upper truck was cleaning the Large Car Park.
Beach Buoy parked right in the corner so that the trucker had a clean run; no obstacles.
The truck came nearby and scooped up a Fast Food Milk Shake Cup.
The Cup disappeared, but a trail of Strawberry Milk Shake
trialed behind the Sweeper.
As Beach Buoy readied himself and Stubborn Dog for the Beach, a Car pulled into the Car Park.
Four people stepped out of the Car and headed for the Beach.
It was clear they had come to photograph the Sunrise.
As they walked to the Water's edge they paused at times to take photographs.
Their mobile phone screens twinkled in the half light.
Beach Buoy rested on the Promenade Wall and watched the photographers head down to their destination.
To the South, Beach Buoy could see Short Short Man and his Little Dog already on their walk.

Beach Buoy headed for the Sea.

He took a few photographs as the light increased.
It was a Gorgeous Morning with a pleasant breeze from the South East.

It looked for while like the Sun wouldn't be peeking over the Horizon this morning.
Photographers stood here and no doubt elsewhere around the coast waiting.....
Beach Buoy imagined the scene .
The Sun dashing around trying to get ready for work.
"Have you seen my keys?"
"They were in my Orange Coat!"

Beach Buoy gave a "Morning!' to Short Short man, who returned with a nod and a wink.
His Little Dog was carrying a stick, a stick you could plainly see, it wouldn't let go of easily.
If this Dog could speak it would have replied with a ...
"Norning." in the style of a poor rate ventriloquist.

Then suddenly... POP!
Right on the Sea Serpent's Marker.

He took a few more as they headed for the Grey Rocks...

Hopefully once there, they will a chance to sit and think?

They managed a sit and think.
Stubborn Dog thought....
"Look at the size of these Dogs!"

"Horses mate, they're Horses."
The Horses paddled through the water and journeyed beyond the Grey Rocks; they didn't need to take their shoes off.
A Cormorant flew past in what looked like a laboured flight.
It double flapped its way past, maybe more suited to swimming than flying? wondered Beach Buoy.
A Seagull went by shortly afterward with a minimalist take on wing the flapping output as it almost glided across The Bay.
"Look and Learn Son, Look and Learn."

Beach Buoy stood up.......... eventually.
He stretched out his arms, like blades on a Wind Turbine and gave out an audible yawn.

They headed back...

The clouds were magnificent as the tide came in to wash away the early morning beach story.
Tracks smoothed and cleared like the unwanted drawn lines on an
etch a sketch
that had been up-turned and shaken.

Joggers came and went as Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed back.
On their way they passed a depleted 7am club.
The in-coming tide brought with it a freshness.
It wasn't a chill.
Just a clean, vibrant edge to it.
The Sea looked bluer and the waves broke with white lace edging.
Beach Buoy stood and had a "Savour this." moment.
As they approached the end of the Dunes, four Magpies caught Beach Buoy's attention.
he knew them individually.
Sorrow, Joy and their children ; a girl and a boy.
The Two Beach Horses clip / clopped their way up the access ramp.
Beach Buoy was about Five minutes behind.
He walked by five yellow roses left on the Beach, most probably as a memorial.
He had found three a few days ago and returned them to the Sea.

3 pm.
St Mary's Island at Whitley Bay.

A walk around the Island.
Seals and boats putting out their Pots were noted.

It is an impressive Lighthouse.

Back to the van to make a brew, have a nap......

Tea drank and nap napped and it was time for another look around.
Rain began to fall as Paddle Boarders gathered  to the South of the Lighthouse; basically just blokes on plank in the open sea.
To the North, Gulls gathered on the still visible rocks opposite the cliff top Camping Site, calling out to one and all.
Blyth lighthouse flashed in the increasing gloom to the North. The South had a Beacon of it's own;
The bright and beautiful Spanish City as White as Fresh Snow, put down a mark.