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Wednesday 25 September 2019


It was a Wednesday.
A Wednesday at 6-15 pm.
Someone seems to have broken the rainbow?

Another broken piece over near The River Tees.
The Beach was fairly quiet.
Two ladies with three dogs and that was about it.

We won't mention the pockets stuffed with rainbow fragments.
Oh just did...
It will end up for sale on the internet no doubt.
Maybe pass it off as Sea glass.
Maybe that is what Sea glass is?

A piece of driftwood had clambered up the beach and was asking for a helping hand for the last few feet.

Beach Buoy reflected on life as the sky reflected on the wet Beach

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed south; as did the sky.
A single crow was down by the Grey Rocks.
He gave out a "Clear off!'' type call.

Two Cormorants cleared off and flew over The Dunes.
Beach Buoy turned back at The North Gare Pier.

Shifting sand exposed the entrance to Banania; the underground kingdom were they mine for yellow fruits.
A rusting pipe where people think it is ok to leave dog poo bags......
you decide.

Back to the van it was....