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Sunday 29 September 2019


Well, am not on beach.
Instead Beach Buoy is sitting at a desk.
The usually comforting sound of rain on the roof, right now is a bit of a downer.
Stubborn Dog and Beach Buoy should be out on the Beach.
In years gone by Beach Buoy would have gone.
Waterproof trousers, Waterproof Coat and back then he had a Waterproof Dog.... sort of.

Stubborn Dog doesn't 'DO' wet very well, even if he has two coats on.
It is Sunday morning now and if he was to go out in this bouncing rain, then let's think.... His ears would be dry about Tuesday.
It's odd how rarely it does rain early on in the day.
"Best part of the day." was an often used phrase when Beach Buoy would go on the Beach with his Father.

The sky has brightened ever so slightly but the sound of rain has increased.

Beach Buoy had woke a number of times during the night
3-15... rain
4-40... rain
5-35... rain
6-00... rain
It is now 7-08am ... rain.
Beach Buoy will hopefully be on the beach later today.
Now he is off to listen to some music and have another warm drink and biscuits...
Be more Hygge as the Danes say.
Hoggy would be closer to the truth as the kettle clicks on and the biscuit tin lid goes POP 
Every cloud has a Silver Lining they say.
First song.....
My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit