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Sunday 8 September 2019


It was a fresh clear morning.
The first morning for months when the van windows were misted up and damp due to a cold clear night sky.
Beach Buoy put two coats on his little mate; Stubborn Dog.
They set off for the Beach.
The car park looked surprisingly clear of rubbish, considering  it had been a busy Saturday with nice weather yesterday.
Just then the Council Sweeper Truck  pulled in and began to clean what bits were there.
It was 6-20 am as they hit the beach.
The word used earlier "Clear." sadly didn't apply to the one piece of sky that would reveal the sunrise.
The whole sky around was as clear as a bell, apart from Cloud Mountain out there on the horizon right where the Sun would rise.
Beach Buoy stuffed his hands into his "Piece to Camera." Country-file coat pockets, thanks more to the chill than his mood. 

A Seagull relay race took place; nine in team.
The leader had food and the others wanted it.
The swooped around until the leader dropped the Baton.
Then it was eight, with seven of them giving chase.

6-30 am the Sun started to make a show up on a ridge of Cloud Mountain, way above Base Camp and towards Camp One.

It was only going to be visible for a short while, no more than a couple of minutes.

It's colour varied a little as it rose.

Its light reflected below and in a blink of an eye it was gone.
It continued it's ascent of Cloud Mountain unseen but with flag in hand.

A Jogger went by wearing a Bandana.
"Morning!" called Beach Buoy.
just a look.
"Perhaps he only speaks Mexican?" thought Beach Buoy.
Or perhaps his Sombrero had blown off in the none existent wind and he was giving chase.
Que Sera Sera....

The Rough Sea had left tangles of Brown Seaweed and many Brown Jellyfish to match.

Out on Cloud Mountain, Beach Buoy could, at times, monitor the Sun's progress as shafts of random light would give a hint as to its position.
"It must be dark up there?" thought Beach Buoy.
Looks like the Sun has a torch with the light of a
"Million Candles."


There was a mist on the Sea.
It was most probably to do with the combination of a still warm sea and the chilly morning air.
The Sea was rough.

 Waves broke ten or more steps out. 
The steps look like they led to the Sea Serpent.
The tide was well out so it would only be a short walk.
Beach Buoy saw the Sea Serpent and shouted across the water.
"Are you OK?"
The Sea Serpent gave a flipper up sign; all was well.

To the North The Headland looked like some mythical kingdom, with stories untold as it hid in the morning mist.

A ships big as a block of flats appeared.
It aimed itself at The Gares.
A Tug had come out of the Tees to help guide it into the River.
It was 7-08 am as they turned to head back.
The 7 am club were in the far off distance.
Beach Buoy recalled how they were a no show yesterday, which was very unusual.

Eventually the Sun reached the Summit of Cloud Mountain.
It plonked in the flag and the whole bay glowed in the Sun's success. 

The recent choppy sea meant that there were some finds to be had.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog made their way to the Promenade.
They binned the beach clean and headed off as the beach began to fill with people and dogs.

Today's Blogpost was sponsored by
Tea and a Toasted Teacake.
