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Sunday 1 September 2019


Beach Buoy woke up.
He wakes for work at 5-20 am.
He was off work today so...
he woke at 5-25 am

The bedroom blinds were giving no clues as to the weather.
It was still dark.
Beach Buoy made a hot drink and grabbed a handful of tablets.... he had not been feeling great lately.
Another grab, this time for a Kit Kat
(you can't take tablets on an empty belly.)
They all headed off to the beach.
Beach Buoy.
Stubborn Dog.
Hot drink.
Kit Kat.
They reached the car park at Subaru o'clock; 555.
Beach Buoy took the tablets with a hot drink.
Then off to the beach it was.
A Jogger and a dog were already on their way to the Gares.

Beach Buoy went to the water's edge and began to take some photographs.
High tide been around 5-20 am.
It was now 6-06 am.

The Jogger ran back to the North  with his chocolate brown .... sorry kit kat coloured Labrador in tow.

High tide had been around an hour earlier, so there was a narrow strip of virgin sand to walk on.
It varied in width from about three to thirty feet, depending on the slope of the beach.

There was the slightest of breezes.
The wind turbines seemed to be moving just one click up from standstill. 

The Sea Serpent was having a sleep-in this morning.🚹

The Ship's crew weren't.

They reached the grey rocks.
As they did so, a lone Oyster Catcher blew for offside, then took flight.

Sit and think time.
A Fat Crow beach- combed nearby.
Judging by the size of him the beach combing was working out for him.

Bare Legs approaching...
It was short short man.
He hadn't been spotted for months.Spotted as in seen, not as in "Get some cream on those spots."
Perhaps he just does September until 

They headed back to the north, some Cormorants seemed to have the same idea, heading north across the bay.

It was 7-01am... right on time the 7am club appeared in the distance.
The Oyster Catcher returned; Beach Buoy had fallen for the offside trap yet again.
He paused to watch the show put on by five Sand Martins.
They swooped all-around the dune edge as though it was their farewell performance; perhaps it was?
He would miss those daytime bats, as he does the Skylark and its beautiful song.
A Melancholy Beach Buoy walked on to the van after giving his side-kick; Stubborn Dog a hug.
They passed Fat Crow.
He was eating breakfast much more sedately than the Sand Martins had been doing.  

The 7 am club arrived, heading in the other direction. To be more accurate Mari the cream coloured, large friendly poodle appeared for her neck scratch .

They wandered to the dune edge. The grass had drawn arcs, with the help of a wind.
Rabbits had left their tracks; they looked like little surprised faces.

It was goodbye to the beach and dunes.....

.... and hello to a spot for late breakfast / early lunch.

Beach Buoy.