There were some clouds over to the south of the bay. A Green and White Ship had sailed out of the river when they had arrived, it was already way out at sea. The wind was from the north west as they headed south. The wind carried the sound of the 7 pm church bells down the length of the beach.
It was such a clear night the Green and White Ship was still visible and was fast becoming convincing evidence of a flat earth.
A man approached with two black labradors off their leads. They were no trouble, they were too interested in chasing the ball. A couple with a small dog were also heading south . The little dog barked as the two soaked labradors emerged form the sea after an oceanic ball chase.
Beach Buoy reached the grey rocks and turned to head back. He headed up towards the dunes to allow the couple with the small dog to continue their water's edge walk in peace. They turned around and headed back, not doing the full length of the beach. Beach Buoy wondered if they had spotted his "Piece to Camera." Country file coat and were perhaps a little camera shy? Beach Buoy was half-tempted to shout "Just a quick interview." "About the state of beaches nowadays."