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Wednesday 7 August 2019


3-57 pm
It was Sunny once again with a fresh wind from the west.
The tide was well out, which made a nice change after a recent period of almost, is, or has just been ... High Tide.
The beach was fairly quiet considering that the weather was nice and that the school holidays were in full flow.

Water was still draining from the undulating beach, just as the tide was about to turn and fetch it all back again.
Beach Buoy had two dogs for company this afternoon.

They walked the water's edge, to make the most of the low tide.
The undulations in the beach made the water's edge a series of yings and yangs; sea and sand, sand and sea.

A wreck on the low tideline surfaces for a short while.

A few temporary islands appeared, like the wreck they will soon disappear. Beach Buoy named one of them Two Gull Island; it had two Gulls on it.

They walked up to the North Gare Pier and had a lean against one of the world war two tank traps, then had a think.
A Sand Martin swooped low above the sand, time and time again.
As they walked backed on the rippled sand, dandelion seeds floated by and out to sea in the strong wind.

 It was by no means a blizzard, more of a flurry.
Maybe it was a Fairy version of a balloon release?BEACH BUOY.