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Thursday 8 August 2019


Beach Buoy and two dogs pulled into the car park at around  6-20 pm.
As they had driven in they had passed a Toyota Van, Minibus, Camper van type of thing.
The vehicle was parked up on the small entrance road with its bonnet (Hood.) raised.
Beach Buoy had noticed a disabled sticker on the back window as he drove by.
He did the loop de loop in the car park and pulled alongside the vehicle.
A couple were sat with the windows down.
Beach Buoy enquired if there was anything that they needed or was there anything he could do to help?
The driver thanked him and said that help was nearby now.
Beach Buoy returned to the car park.

The twitchers were once again watching over the Little Tern site.
It was a lovely evening.
Sky Blue Sky, the Sun was out and there was a lovely breeze off the Sea.

The car park was quite busy, but thankfully the beach looked fairly quiet.
Two adult metal detectorists dug holes.
They had a young child with them who exclaimed "I've found a Crab!"
Did he have a Crab detector?

Two children rang to the sea for a swim while their friend sat up on the beach minding the clothes.
"That's a young Beach Buoy in the making" thought an old one.
He would have been the one minding the clothes...

Had someone seen the Sea Serpent?
The legs aren't right and Beach Buoy had only ever seen three humps.
Maybe this was a different Sea Serpent?
You never know.

The tide was coming in slowly but surely.
The Sea Serpent artwork would be lost forever.

A pale cloud coloured Moon hung above the dunes beside some pale coloured clouds.
He was in stealth mode, just catching some rays.
Waiting for his turn to shine.

An Orange and White ship appeared on the horizon and lined itself up with the river entrance.
They headed down to the Pier side.
A Lone Oyster Catcher walked and pecked and pecked and walked.
The sunlight made its Black and White body seem to glow as did its bright Orange legs.
Beach Buoy felt like shouting...
" If you are hungry mate there is a lad with a crab detector down there!"
At this a Large Seagull appeared and joined the Oyster Catcher, like some old vaudeville double act.
Or maybe he was just ready to pounce on anything that the Oyster Catcher would find?

High up in the sky a flying V of dark coloured birds flew south.
One of then sounded like a football referee,
calling one of them over to be able to give them a yellow card.
They may have been Oyster Catchers just shouting their old mate on the beach?
By now the Orange ship was in the river, Beach Buoy could see its high spot sail by behind the Pier.
He smelt smoke and presume it was just fumes from the ship?
Beach Buoy turned to see that some **** had started a fire in the dunes.

The fire was being fed from the breezy north sea.

Two fires had been started and the flames were around  75 to 100 metres in length.
Beach Buoy called the Fire Station directly rather than a 999 to ask for advice.
They said that they would be coming down.

Another fire was started, as the wait for fire brigade took place.
Beach Buoy went over and tried to stamp some of it out.
It was too well established.
Young teens were nearby, up in the dunes.
Beach Buoy met the fire Service in the car park.
He gave them details of the fire and of the location of the youthful audience.