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Tuesday 6 August 2019


6-24 pm.
It was Sunny with a nice breeze from the 
It was sunny until Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached the water's edge.
A Black cloud in the shape of a Rhino hid the sun.

They headed south as tiny toy town waves broke onto the shore.
The sea was calm but the whole surface was rippled with the breeze.

They walked as far as the grey rocks and had a sit and think.
Terns squeaking like rusty  garden gate hinges flew around the bay.
It was a very pleasant night.
They headed back.
Stubborn Dog took great interest in a large rock.
It was fairly obvious that other dogs had done the
It looked like he was trying to find a name in a telephone directory but had mis-placed his reading glasses.
They passed a dead Guillemot spread-eagled (Spread-Guillemoted.) on the sand.
Its spirit had flown; its costume lay on the sand,
recalling flights gone by.
The breeze carried sounds from the west across the dunes; cows from the fields and golfers from the course; both bull.