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Saturday 17 August 2019


It was a two dog walk on a bright and breezy evening.
They wandered down to the water's edge.
An adult group of five walked north.
It looked like someone had visitors over the weekend and had decided a beach walk would fill some time in?

A Dark Blue Rippled Sea broke gently on the shore.

Birds were diving into the sea.
They seemed to be making much more a splash than usual?

Either they were larger birds or had decided to belly-flop into the sea as a surprise tactic to fool the fish?
They headed south as a 2.4 family with a 1.0 dog went north...
The beach ahead was empty now.
The Grey Rocks were a stopping point.
The tide was too high to allow the beach walk continue.
They paused ... not a sit and think as a couple were approaching with their dog.
Beach Buoy was in a bit of a one at the moment and really couldn't be doing with any conversation; either polite or otherwise.
So much so that if Paul McCartney, Susan Sarandon, Robert Smith and John Prine were walking together in his direction, Beach Buoy would just nod in their general direction and head off ....
As they headed back to the Car Park Beach Buoy could hear yet another Doughnut trying to do a Doughnut.

The Church bells rang for 7-45pm as the side door on the van was opened.