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Tuesday 1 October 2019


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 4-55 pm.
The Sea was wild.
Beach Buoy made his way down the access ramp to the windswept beach.
There was a man in front.
A man with two Spaniels.
One of them did a dump.
 The man covered it over with sand using his foot.

Apparently it is some strange rule that if you have two dogs of the same breed , then you don't have to pick up after them......NOT!
Beach Buoy headed for the sea and the sea headed for him...
Another pair of wet boots.
The Sea was running on for ages.

Beach Buoy was left to do that... I've just stepped in wet paint tippy-toe dance.

dodging quivering sea foam and in-coming waves they headed South.
Once again there was driftwood everywhere.

The Sea rushed over sand banks  in an attempt to reach the dunes.

Eventually it did.

Beach Buoy stood and watched the wild scene in front of him.
A seal barrel-rolled out of the surf.
It seemed surprised to be on the beach.

The seal seemed to be well?
It dusted itself down and headed back out into the surf.
To the North, Beach Buoy saw a man do the ...I've just stepped in wet paint dance, as the sea water introduced itself to his footwear. 

Stubborn Dog wanted to sit on the promenade wall  and check the wind speed , using the medium of dog ears.....

It was officially Flappy.