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Saturday 12 October 2019


Beach Buoy had gone to bed after midnight.
Wide awake...
Revise the previous night's blogpost.
Sit about and wait for Beach.
Stubborn Dog had sensed it was a day off and was acting a little peculiar.
Beach Buoy pulled up the aerial on the van, turned on the radio and they headed for the beach in the dark.
Radio Two.
The Tony Blackburn Show.
They left the house at 6-23 am.

As they drove down Elizabeth Way, Beach Buoy noticed that the Bus Stop pole was leaning right over as if it had been hit by something?
What should come on the radio?
Bus Stop by The Hollies.

A couple of council vehicles led the way into the otherwise empty Car Park.
Their combined flashing orange lights, seemed to be giving Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog an official entrance.
It was still dark.
Beach Buoy climbed into the rear of the van.
The radio was still playing.

So... there was Beach Buoy  getting ready for the beach,
with Help me Rhonda as the soundtrack..

By 6-45 am they had reached the water's edge.

It was chilly.
Beach Buoy found gloves in his pocket and he put them on.
Gulls crossed the bay in silence.

The waves lapped like a like a river side, as a ship sailed out of port.
The Sea Serpent appeared.

It made its way home, below the red flashing light..
By now the 7 am club were in the distance.
Beach Buoy picked up two stones to add to the marker up on the Dune edge, that he had recently started.
He climbed back down onto the Beach, keeping close to and eventually walking on the Grey Rocks so as not to disturb a flock of Gulls that were down at the water's edge.
After clambering and stumbling a while as they negotiated the grey rocks; there she was!
Mari the big friendly poodle had left the 7 am club way behind and once again came to say hello and get and neck scratch.
She had clambered and stumbled too.
After a good deal of fussing she was gone.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog did some more clambering and stumbling and finally made it to the Old Buoy beside the River Tees.
Seven Oyster Catchers blew for offside and headed North.
Two others  followed shortly afterwards; they too blew for offside after watching it on VAR and had upheld the original decision.

They went looked out to sea ...

They looked across the Bay.
A fish of around two foot in length jumped out of the water, it twisted and turned and returned with a splash.
Moments later it did exactly the same again!

They Headed back.
Beach Buoy had collected six plastic bottles.
He placed his beach clean in the bin....