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Sunday 6 October 2019


It was 5-58 pm.
It had rained for most of the day.
It had almost stopped.
Beach Buoy had been out and bought new waterproof trousers for himself and a new waterproof coat for Stubborn Dog.
It was a grey old day.

Beach Buoy was drawn to the water's edge by the reflections on the wet sand.
It was a fairly quiet beach scene.
One man and his dog were heading north.
One jogger and his determination were heading south.
After a while Beach Buoy wandered back up the beach a little to where there was shingle patches.
There were some sea pottery pieces but none were patterned; they were as blank as Beach Buoy's mind.
As they reached the Grey Rocks, the rain that had almost stopped definitely restarted once more.
Beach Buoy pulled up two hoods as he continued  up to the North Gare Pier.

Beach Buoy stood and faced the Grey Sea, just letting the rain fall onto his worn face.
Two figures left the Pier glancing down at Beach Buoy as they did so.
After a while, Beach Buoy headed back.
The Sea was keen to reclaim the beach once more.

Beach Buoy gave the Sea Serpent a wave.
The Serpent's red warning lights flashing in its usual pattern
One apple and
Two apple and
Three apple and

The hi-viz German Shepard Owners Club appeared from the north.

Beach Buoy pulled down his two hoods.
He needed to feel the rain again.
He stopped and folded his arms.
He leaned into the breeze off the sea
like it was an old  friend....it was.

One apple and
Two apple and
Three apple and