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Tuesday 22 October 2019


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 4-07 pm.
A lady had let her dog out of a car nearby for a short walk on the edge of the car park; a beach walk would have been too much.
The old dog came over to say hello.
It reminded Beach Buoy of his old beach mate; Bonnie.
Bonnie was Gold, this dog was Black, with a very Grey nose.

Beach Buoy chatted to the lady.
She said that her dog was very old.....11.
Beach Buoy let her know that Bonnie was over 20 years old when she passed on 6 Jan. 2012.

Bonnie by the Sea, her lead clip is on Beach Buoy's key ring.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn headed for the beach.
Starlings lined the car park fencing, like ornamental fittings.
They were still and silent; they didn't make a murmur.

They headed south, claiming the shingle line as they did so. There was another beachcomber on the beach; 
bag in hand, looking for finds.
 The tide was way out.
There was a wind from the West.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog dawdled along.
The other Beachcomber dawdled too, up near the strand line.
A man with four dogs overtook them all and headed off.


Beach Buoy gathered some sea glass and sea pottery, then left it all.

Then he found a keeper.
Beach Buoy paused.
The other beachcomber carried on to the North Gare Pier. 

Beach Buoy headed up to the dunes to place a couple of rocks on 'that' pile.
The Sun decided to show up for work at 5-15 pm.
It seemed to pan across the dunes like a search light, perhaps looking to see where the day had gone?
The low, but bright light went on and on.
A couple with a Border Collie walked the water's edge.
The lady's Orange wooly hat glowed in the sunlight like a 
Belisha Beacon.
The sunlight extended as far as Saltburn to South.
To the North
 Hartlepool's Headland suddenly looked like an old oil painting that had just been cleaned.
Historical Buildings glowed like new, giving them a prominence that suited them well.
Out in the Bay itself, Gulls that had bobbed up and down in secret were now as bright as Hook-a-Ducks in a fairground

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed back.
Around twenty Oyster Catchers swooped in from over the Dunes ; whistling as they landed.
Another twenty or so followed shortly afterwards, whistling the same tune.

A Young Gull did that' Feed Me.' noise, (The one that's sounds like a bicycle wheel in need of oil.)
The nearby adult bird was screeching; others joined in the chorus.