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Tuesday 4 June 2024


She was asleep at the top of the stairs.

She raised her head the least amount possible.
If flopped back down.
Beach Buoy had to go pick her up and carry her to the van.

They reached the beach at 6-28 p.m.
It was very bright and just as breezy.
The clouds in the sky were splendid.

A man with two German Shepherd Dogs walked from dune to sea, hands in pockets.

A couple headed north along the strand-line, their two small dogs trotting alongside.

A little man walked northwards under a big sky.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
They drifted towards the water's edge before crossing the beach diagonally towards the big slope.

The tide was well out.
Plenty of space for all.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat drinking coffee on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

He watched and listened.
Two joggers travelled northwards on the beach below.
Above, Skylarks sang.
A distant dog barked.
Three Sand Martins seemed to struggle to fly into the strong breeze. 

"See you mate "
They returned to the beach via the "easy" route.

The lookouts.

A slow walk back. 

They reached the van

A man passed by with a doodle dog pup 
"You still have to pay for parking mate?"
" No, it's free after six."