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Thursday 6 June 2024


Beach Buoy was up before 5.
Another Dog wouldn't budge.
Beach Buoy waited for around an hour.
Still not moving.
He arrived at the beach alone at 6-02 a.m.

It was sunny.
There was a slight breeze from the west.

Beach Buoy walked southwards.

The morning gave up some wonderful clouds.
Beach Buoy headed to the big slope.
Despite the clouds, there was heat in the Sun and water in the sea.

At the water's edge, Two Oyster Catchers seemed to echo off one another.

Little Terns chattered high in the sky.
Sand Martins swopped here there and at the dune edge. 

Beach Buoy walked the "easy" route.

The Sea Serpent Marker and
The Sun lay ahead.

"Morning Mate."
It was 6-25.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He thought as he drank his coffee.  
He had no doubt that in time someone would throw the driftwood wedge.

He decided today that this has been the best of all of the various driftwood benches.

Beach Buoy pulled up two hoods 
An "own space" manoeuvre.

Sand Martins were all over.
One even circled Beach Buoy's head.
Like those cartoon birds circling round when Jerry has hit Tom on the head.

Beach Buoy tried to photograph one of the many passing Sand Martins.
Sea and Sky would have to do.

Down on the beach below, the lady who walks the beach did so.

A man passed with his Spaniel.
They had a dead dog chat up at the stack about two years earlier.
Their paths had not crossed since.
Beach Buoy gave a distant wave, half wondering if the man recalled the chat?

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy left Stubborn Dog behind.
The Sand Martins seemed to be escorting Beach Buoy along the "easy' way.

Back on the beach, the Beachcombing Border Collie Couple led the way back the north.

Purdy the poodle came running over for a fuss.
"Where's Ruby, still in bed?"
"Yes, I waited an hour too."
"Us girls need our beauty sleep."

They went their separate ways.