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Friday 7 June 2024


 Beach Buoy was awake for 4-50.

He didn't rush.

He knew he wanted a photograph of the beach huts looking from north to south.

He wanted to do a more accurate version of the Orange Paint drawing.

In the morning light, with a recent coat of paint, they looked vibrant.

It was around  5-50 a.m.

He headed back to the van.

He had parked up opposite The Nine Anchors. 

The Beach Huts. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog were on the beach for 5-58.

The tide was more in than it was out.

They headed south across sand and shingle.

Sea Pottery.

The Sun has been out since sunrise 
It went into cloud.
There was a freshness in the air with a breeze from the west. 

Up ahead, a lady and her dog headed for the dunes. She climbed one of the tallest dunes , watching the beach below.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog climbed The Big Slope.
Sand Martins filled the air.

The Sea Serpent Marker.

They walked the "easy" route.
Sand Martins flew by.

"Morning Mate."
"Morning Sand Martin."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
It was 6-25 a.m.

Beach Buoy sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank coffee.
Wall to wall Sand Martins.

A Skylarks landed nearby 
It wobbled on the end of thin beach of Sea Buckthorn.
It sangs it heart out. 
It was only about three metres away.
Beach Buoy had never seen them landed and singing too.
It was special.

Beach Buoy stood to go.

Down on the beach below, the 7 a.m. club headed back to the Village.
He had his two white dogs with him.
The memory of Mari ran along side them.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back.
 Pushed Team One Black Ear turned back earlier than normal.
The owner must have realised it may have looked bad 
He paused and gave Beach Buoy and Another Dog a distant wave.
All was cool.
The wave was returned enthusiastically.

Back to the car park.

The lady who walks the length of the beach, did so.
The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple arrived.

A man with a dog carried a pushchair and it's occupant to the firmer, flatter and wetter tidal sands.