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Monday 17 June 2024


 A little like the weather, Beach Buoy was unsure what to do.

Rain, rain, sun, rain, dull, rain, rain and dull.

He decided to give it a go.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the beach.

They arrived at 6-58 p.m.

The beach was very quiet .

Maybe lots watching the football?

Maybe many not wanting to play russian rain roulette?

They headed south into a light breeze.
Black clouds ahead.

Their sunshine shadows weren't football fans, so they came too.

A rainbow, their prize for climbing the big slope.

Dark side of the dunes.
An album cover perhaps?

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He had intended it to be a touch and go. Incase the rain came.
He stayed.
He sat on a wet driftwood wedge about a metre long.

The rainbow faded as the Skylarks began to sing.
It seemed like a fair swap.

To the North, Seaton Carew was bathed in sunlight.
In contrast, to the south, bands of rain fell.
A lady with two dogs went south to North Gare Pier before returning north to the village.

A couple appeared from the direction of the Pier.
They each seemed to be carrying something heavy?
The load passed from left hand to right hand and back again as the walked.
Turns out that they were carrying their coats...

"The easiest way to carry a coat, is to wear it."

"See you mate."

They headed back, coats on.

A young man walked the beach, hands in pockets.

He sat on a driftwood log.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the van.

Teenagers played car parked football .

Puddles of rain water all around.