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Saturday 15 June 2024



Just an evening visit today.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog stepped onto the beach at 6-40 p.m.

It had rained for much of the day.

No rain now 

There was a slight breeze from the west.

It was overcast.

The tide was a fair way out.

The man in three-quarter length trousers and a flat cap threw a ball for his small energetic dog.

To the north, clouds behind the village looked like smoke from imaginary distant fields.
Noisey Teenagers had began to gather on a more northerly big slope.
Up ahead a lady and her small dog headed to Sand Martin Corner.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed for the big slope.
The quieter, more southerly one.

They walked the "easy" route.

"Evening Mate." 
It was 7-07.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
No coffee this evening .

Beach Buoy watched the Sand Martins and the sea. 

The lady and her little dog returned from Sand Martin Corner.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy stood up.
To the north he could a line of teenagers heading to the northern slope.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the beach.
The rain returned.

Beach Buoy glanced back as more and more headed to the dune gathering.

It felt like good timing.

Beach Buoy returned to the van .

He sat listening to the excellent Lisa Tarbuck Show on the radio and the sound of rain on the van roof.