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Saturday 1 June 2024



5-40 a.m.
"Let's rock "

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 5-50.
It was bright and breezy.
A chilly breeze it was that blew from the north.

The tide was way out.
They headed south.
An owner and dog were way ahead.
The Little Terns chattered loudly as they went from nest site to sea and sea to nest site.
Along the dune edge, six Sand Martins seemed to sing and dance in mid air.

Someone had been writing in the sand.



They climbed the big slope.
They walked the "easy" route.
"Morning Mate."
It was 6-18.
He added some stones.
He patted 

Beach Buoy went and sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank coffee.

Gulls drifted north, when the strength of the breeze allowed.
Skylarks sang.

"See you mate."

They continued southwards along the dune edge. 

The 7 a.m club was down on the beach below with his two small white dogs.
The spirit of Mari ran ahead.

Tempted by a shingle search, Beach Buoy dropped down onto the beach below.

The only things he found were peace and quiet.
He sat down.
World War Two Tank Traps ahead.
A crumbling dune edge machine gun post to the rear.
So peaceful surrounded by symbols of war.

They headed back.

They stopped to to Purdy's mam.
She was off to Sand Martin Corner.
She loves the Sand Martins.
They chatted briefly.
Wishing other well, they set off in opposite directions.

The beach was vast 
The clouds were glorious.

A man and his massive dog headed towards the sea.

On the way to the van, they chatted to Team Mick Aston Jumper.

Gulls passed by as the fought over scraps.

It made taking photographs a piece of cake.
Don't tell them 
They would want some.

A group of all male swimmers went to the sea.

Cones line the wall in the location of 
The Little Tern Site.