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Friday 28 June 2024



Beach Buoy set off for the beach at 6-20 a.m.
That's the time he leaves the house on workdays.
Sometimes he passes workmates driving on their way to work.
The beach seems even sweeter on those days.
He parked up.
The lady who once fell off her bike, headed along The Esplanade.

The tractor that removes stones from the north end of the beach and dumps them to the south drove along the water's edge.

Clouds over the village.

The Tractor tyre tracks.

Beach Buoy likes the tyre tracks.
The thing is though, he feels obliged to walk between them as if they were a footpath.

Today, it reminded him of The Yellow Brick Road.

Something spooked Another Dog.
She seemed to become two inches, both lower and longer.
Beach Buoy reassured her.

They walked the "easy" route.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

Beach Buoy sat drinking coffee on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
Another Dog was on guard duty.

Down on the beach below, the lady who walks the length of the beach did so once more.

Beach Buoy pulled up his one hood as protection against the dune to sea wind.

The unheard factory buzzer went at 7 a.m.

Gulls took flight from the sea.
They headed inland to the local tip.
Another shift begins.

On the beach, the tractor made another delivery of stones for Stubborn Dog Stack.

A Sand  Martin flew by.
It's flight path resembled a Doctor's signature.

"See you mate."

They headed back along the dune edge.
A jogger was heading in the other direction, making hard work of the "easy" route.
Beach Buoy stood to one side at a natural passing point and waited.
"Thank you."
"No bother mate."
They went their separate ways at their own separate speeds.

Up near the top of The Big Slope.
A man and his Border Collie were returning to the beach from another route through the dunes.
"She's no bother mate.
She ignores other dogs."
She did too.

Beach Buoy let the man and his Collie take the lead.

The man with three dogs who used to have four walked by.
His dogs follow him like train carriages.
"Yes. You?"
"Yes, this is a better temperature to be walking around in."

Team Muzzled Dog passed by.

Which path to follow?

The wind dropped.
The tide went out.