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Monday 24 June 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 5-20 a.m.
Someone was having a ridiculously early unofficial learner driving lesson around the car park.

A Little Tern watcher had jumped over The Esplanade wall, to check on the chicks.
There was uproar in the sky above as the little birds made a big noise. 

An early morning Metal Detectorist searched the dune edge for other people's misfortune.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed southwards. 
The tide was out.
The Sun was out.
The sea was calm.
The sky was blue.
The temperature was ideal.

It was almost, the perfect morning.
Two figures appeared up ahead.

The two passed by.
Young lads. 
It looked like they had been camping in the dunes ?

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued south, as far as The Big Slope.
Up the slope, along the "easy" route.

Approaching Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
It was 6-06 a.m.
He sat down on that driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He watched as Little Terns dropped into the sea just a few metres offshore.
The birds would rise from the water, fish in beak.
Then back to the nest site. 

He sat listening to the sea and the birdsong.
He savoured every second.
Perfect Sky.
Perfect Sea 
Perfect Sun.
Perfect temperature.
The morning was almost perfect...

Alfie approached, followed by Mr Gunn/Lunn.
They were on their circular walk.
The tide has blocked their beach route.
They chatted.
Dolphins, some had been spotted recently.
They went their separate ways.

Beach Buoy cupped his hands.
Facing the Sun, he washed his face in the morning's warmth.

"See you mate."

They set off, back along the "easy" route.
Another Dog led the way.
He passed a smouldering driftwood campfire.
They had left a mess too.
A large bottle was half full with water.
  Beach Buoy poured the remaining water onto the driftwood.
It sizzled as it cooked.

They returned to the beach.
Beach Buoy was a little disappointed.

The 7 a.m. club had already been and gone.

The lady who walks the length of the beach passed by 
Beach Buoy raised a hand.

Team Muzzled Dog passed.
"Hiya "

Team Mick Aston Jumper passed.

Beach Buoy headed up the ramp.
Beach clean in the bin.

Back in the van.
Team Mick Aston Jumper pretend to be the  little people that walk The Esplanade Wall. 

A Little Tern.