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Wednesday 26 June 2024



Beach Buoy had been suffering with hayfever and leg pain.

Some recent beach visits had just been short walks.

They weren't going to come to the beach at all this evening.

Beach Buoy buckled in the end.

It had been the hottest day off the year.

He needed the sea.

The heat must have got to his head?

He was wearing shorts!


A high tide was heading out.
A lovely cooling breeze blew across the sea.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.

Others were heading north, back to the car park.

The Stack didn't feel as far away tonight.
To be honest it's no great distance when you are feeling o.k.
In no time at all they were at the big slope.

Top of the big slope, looking north towards Seaton Carew.
"The jewel in Hartlepool's Crown."

They set off along the "easy" route.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy patted 
He added some stones.
It was 8-44.
This visit felt like a bit of a bonus, as Beach Buoy wasn't sure if they make it or not.
That lovely cool breeze off the sea certainly helped.

He went to sit on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

Some low life thought it was acceptable to leave their **** .
It wasn't.

The Little Terns had been vocal upon their arrival.
The Skylarks and Sand Martins seemed to have bedded down for the night?

Down by the sea, a Lone Magpie flew hurriedly northwards as though keen to catch the last bus home.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back along the easy route.

The Sun was becoming lower in the sky.

They returned to the beach.

A Kestrel searched for some supper.

Slow walk back.

A couple of Sand Martins did appear after all.

If only to escort them off the beach.