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Friday 21 June 2024


Beach Buoy stepped onto The Esplanade to check the tide and to see if he could take a good photograph of three kayaks heading their way back to the car park. 

He couldn't.

Another Dog wanted to know just what was going on.

He did manage to photograph a Photographer.

Little Terns chattered overhead.

Beach Buoy fetched Another Dog.
It was 6-25 a.m.
They headed down the access ramp as three kayaks and Scruffy the Whispy Dog came up.
Her owner was nowhere to be seen.

She was heading for The Esplanade and the sea front roads.
Beach Buoy guided the dog back to the beach.
She wouldn't come to him.
She ran northwards.

Beach Buoy looked south.
Way off in the distance he could see Scruffy's mam stood at the top of a dune, calling her.
The 7 a.m club were on the search too.

Beach Buoy shouted and shouted.
He waved his arms like an out of control Wind Turbine.
Eventually they realised and came rushing along to him.
He told the story and pointed.
They headed off in hot pursuit.

Beach Buoy shuffled southwards, his back was playing up again.

He stopped to chat to Team One Black Ear.

The tide was well out.
It was a little overcast but mild.

6-53 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
Hayfever was back.

Beach Buoy watched the Sand Martins.

He sat, camera ready.
The Sand Martins seemed to very camera,-shy.

He managed to catch a photograph on a couple of occasions.

Of course, once the camera was put into a pocket, the birds flew round and round Beach Buoy's head as if he had been hit by a frying pan in a Tom and Jerry cartoon.

Down on the Beach below, a large man marched south at the water's edge.
A tiny dog trotted quickly behind him.

The lady who walks the full length of the beach, did so.

Mr Gunn/ Lunn.and his excellent dog, Alfie passed by on their circular walk.

Distant waves were shared.

Mr Gunn /Lunn and Alfie.

Beach Buoy  cleaned up six cans and a helium balloon.
Remnants from an end of exams Dune Party.

He and Another Dog returned to the beach.

Team Muzzled Dog passed.
Distant waves were shared.

 Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back.

A slow walk.
He stopped to chat to Team Mick Aston Jumper.

The big man with a tiny dog headed back northwards.

The photographer.