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Sunday 23 June 2024


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached The Esplanade at 5-20.
The 4 x 4 Border Collie Couple headed north along the water's edge.
Beach Buoy hadn't seen him for a canny while.

 Little Terns travelled from the nest site to the sea and back, each returning with the curve of a catch gripped tightly in their bills.

 Beach Buoy looked north, beyond the nest site.
All was quiet, apart from the Terns themselves.

The tide has just turned from high.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked along the combined water's edge and strand-line.

A Metal Detectorist crossed from dune to the sea.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog began to head to, The Big Slope.

A man was walking northwards with two large dogs off their leads 
The dogs fought with one another as they approached.
Beach Buoy scooped up Another Dog, until they passed. It did his back the world of good ...

"Morning Mate."
It was 6-17.
He added four stones.
He patted 
He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
The sun warmed his face.
The Skylarks and Sand Martins warmed his heart.
He drank water.
No coffee today.

A man and a Labrador walked the close water's edge.
Beach Buoy raised a hand of acknowledgement.
The man went as far south as the tide and grey rocks would allow.
They headed back northwards.
Now that an arm of recognition had been raised, future contacts will be classed as distant waves.

A Ship left the River Tees 
It headed northwards, cutting between the Wind Turbines and The Sea Serpent Marker.

"See you mate "
They set off along the "easy" route.

Another Dog led the way.

Once on the beach below,  Beach Buoy chatted to Team One Black Ear.
They went their separate ways.

Team Muzzled Dog passed by 
with not too distant waves thrown in for luck.

Beach Buoy returned to the van.
He sat watching the world go by.
Team Mick Aston Jumper came.
Team Mick Aston Jumper left.