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Wednesday 12 June 2024


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-02 p.m.
One of the Little Tern folk were in the nest site.
It looked like they were checking on the chicks?

Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off southwards along the beach.

The tide was just about more in than it was out.
They walked sort of midway between the strand-line and the sea.
Noisey teenagers jumped off dune heights.
50% of Team Muzzled Dog jogged on the beach below as Beach Buoy and Another Dog climbed the big slope.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

Beach Buoy sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
The breeze blew.
The sky grey.
He watched as a ship passed the Wind Turbines as it headed for the river.

He looked down at Another Dog.
She actually seemed like she wanted to come out this evening?
She seemed to be enjoying the sea air.

"See you mate."
They headed back along the "easy" route.

To the left he could see the elderly man with his elderly greyhound.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog rejoined the beach.
The elderly man walked to the sea.
Upon reaching the water's edge he placed his hands behind his back, as though he was carrying out an inspection.
The man turned to face the beach as Beach Buoy and Another Dog passed by up on the strand-line.
The two men shared distant waves.

An overnight HGV had two glamping huts on its trailer..one of these would have done ...