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Sunday 2 June 2024



Beach Buoy woke at 4 -21 a.m.
Sunrise was 4-34.
They could make it.
Beach Buoy up and at 'em.
Another Dog gave that look...
No matter what, she wasn't coming willingly.
Beach Buoy waited.
Almost an hour later she was in her bed, still asleep and comfy.
"Beach!, walk! Out!"
all had same undesired effect.
He set of with a coffee and a note book for company.
He arrived at the beach car park at 5-15.
The photograph above was taken upon his arrival.

He retrieved his beach bag from the back of the van.
A slide of the side door and he was off. 

The group from the night before had thankfully left the access area 99.9 percent clean.
One small bag had a small candle, the name of the person remembered.
Light this in their memory.
He put it in his beach bag. 

The man with a rucksack and a Rottweiler played at the water's edge.
His rucksack laid to the right of him.
He always comes really early.
The big dog is no bother.
It's friendly, with a head as big as a Bear's. 

Beach Buoy headed south as he usually does.
Swooping Sand Martins up above. 

A Pheasant creaked up in the dunes.

The man with a rucksack and a Rottweiler gradually worked his way north.

A man and dog appeared from the dunes 
They headed to the sea.

Beach Buoy gathered four stones for Stubborn Dog Stack.

They climbed the big slope before setting off on the "easy" route.

At the side of the sandy path Beach Buoy spotted Mari's stone that he had painted and placed on the stack.
He placed it in a pocket before continuing south.

"Morning Mate."
He added the stones.
He patted 

As he sat with a coffee on a driftwood wedge about a metre long, a flock of Geese seemed to fly to the Sun.

Sand Martins did a camera-dodging flight all around him.

Beach Buoy let the Sun warm his face.
The sound of the sea reassured his soul.

Beach Buoy stood up to stretch ...


Wonderful Geese!

Beach Buoy savoured every flap of those large wings as they flew by.

They flew off into the bay, beyond the Sea Serpent Marker.

Beach Buoy sat, a bit dazed by the encounter.
He stood to go...
He could hear Geese.
He reached for his phone. 

The undulating flock seemed to be heading his way?


They were heading "this " way!

The birds even seemed to flying central to the stack.

They flew just high enough to clear the dune edge.

They flew either side of Beach Buoy.

Snooks drawing .

It was Spectacular.

Beach Buoy swivelled like a swivelling thing.

Beach Buoy was totally engrossed.

A loud whistle travelled along the beach 
Beach Buoy knew it well.
It was the one that the 7 a.m.
 Club would do when trying to call Mari back from one of her adventures.

This whistle was for Beach Buoy.
The 7 a.m. club  ere the Grey Rocks.
They shared distant waves.

Beach Buoy headed south , collecting sea glass as he walked.

To celebrate the Goose encounter.
Shoes off at The Tank Traps.

They headed back north.
More Geese.
They headed north too.

Back to the car park.

Beach Buoy made a milky coffee in the van
He smiled.

What a start to the day.