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Sunday 16 June 2024


Beach Buoy had been up ALL night.

He checked the time of the sunrise.

4-27 a.m.

A look out of the window gave the view of an overcast sky.

He decided to wait.

He has spent the night drinking coffee, drawing and listening quietly to music.

They reached the beach car park 
 at 5-26 a.m.
As you can see, Another Dog was so excited.

It had rained overnight.
Luckily the van has wax on wax on wax.
A man marched along the esplanade.
"Morning." said Beach Buoy, starting the ball rolling.
The ball returned.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the beach. 

It was sunny.
The air was almost still.
They headed to the firmer, tidal sands.
Easier to walk on with a painful back.

Ambulance Sirens rebounded off the sea front house as it hurried along by the sea.
It was 5-50 a.m.
Someone's day has got off to a bad start. 

They continued south.

Skylarks sang over the teenager slope.
Crushed drinks cans littered the area after last night's dune party.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to The Big Slope.

They walked a sunny "easy" route.

"Morning Mate."
He added some stones.
He patted 

He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank coffee as he watched the tide come in, rushing into low lying areas of beach.
The early morning sun had some heat.
The warmth of it on his face made him want to nod off.
He was very tired.

"See you mate."

They continued south towards North Gare Pier.
Beach Buoy searched the shingle as they progressed.
At the Tank Traps, Beach Buoy paused.
He leant against one as he watched the Sand Martins dance to the song of the Skylarks.

Two fishermen crossed the dunes and grey rocks.

They set up.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back 
He waved to Stubborn Dog Stack as they passed by on the beach below.
He was fairly sure that Stubborn Dog waved back