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Friday 14 June 2024



6-23 a.m.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog were heading down the beach access ramp.

The lady who once fell off her bike walked The Esplanade.

" Morning."


It was overcast.
It was mild.
A breeze from the south carried random fine raindrops along the beach.
The tide was well out.
Figures to the north could be the
7 a.m.club?

Angled rain fell out on the horizon.

The Sun made an effort to show itself.
The figures from the north approached.
It was the 7 a.m. club.
Purdy's mam too.
Purdy came trotting over for a shoulder scratch.
She a recent convert.

She is a small brown poodle.

She wagged her tail, as if to say 
"Gank goo geri gutch."
She had a red rubber ball gripped tightly in her mouth.
So in Beach Buoy's head, she would have talked like a poor ventriloquist.
The humans chatted before going their own way.
Terns as busy as they were little headed back to the nest site, breakfast caught.

They headed to The Big Slope.
Beach Buoy looked up to the top.
Sand Martins rose and fell gently as if following a conductor's baton during a performance of a gentle melody.

Once at the top, he could hear that the Skylarks were singing to that same melodic tune. 

They walked the "easy" route.
Sand Martins flew so close by that it was almost possible to hi five them.

"Morning Mate."
It was 6-47.
Beach Buoy sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

Beach Buoy drank coffee.
Others walked beach below.
A man and his Spaniel had walked to the tide and grey rocks, before heading back north.

A marching man did the same.
He has no dog but Beach Buoy wondered if the memory of a childhood dog trotted along, just behind?

A jogger and the lady who walks the full length of the beach had also turned at the grey rocks.
The lady stopped and stooped to pick up a find.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple had stopped short of the grey rocks and were already well on their way back 

Sand Martins flew all around.

"See you mate. "

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked the "easy" route.

A slow walk back 
Distant waves to Team Muzzled Dog.
Chat with Mr Gunn/Lunn.
Chat with Team Mick Aston Jumper.

Then back to The Esplanade.
Back to the van.

Swimmers headed to the sea.