Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 7-15 p.m.
Clouds stood shoulder to shoulder like rugby players in a scrum.
Some clouds were darker than others.
The tide was more way out than a wild guess.
All around showers of rain could be seen falling to ground and sea.
Despite the threat of a soaking, two surfers and three swimmers were in the sea.
Then again they were already wet.
They headed south under big black clouds.
Beach Buoy was ready for the soaking should it arrive.
Offshore rain headed for the Wind Turbines.
A hint of a rainbow appeared behind the Sea Serpent.
Two sets of dog walkers headed north along the strand line.
It rained for a few moments, then stopped.
They headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Evening Mate."
He added stones.
He patted
Beach Buoy looked around.
It was one of those evenings when partial rainbows appear.
Pouring like waterfalls into a gray sea.
It seemed to brighten.
The change seemed to encourage the Skylarks to take to the air and sing their song.
Beach Buoy did say that he would never have another dog.
Here she is; Another Dog.
She is a splendid dog.
To the east the sky still looked threatening.
Bright Sun picked out the Turbines.
A ship that was almost a boat left the River under a dot to dot rainbow.
The same Bright Sun cast their sunshine shadows.
Someone had marked a Start line.
Then had continued to mark
and 50 metre lines.
Full Sun came.
Beach Buoy had set off more than half expecting to be rain- soaked.
He ended up being sun soaked.
A Mermaid Cloud sky swam north.
A man and a dog appeared from the dunes.
They headed north at a quicker pace than Beach Buoy and Another Dog.
Having a lovely time.
Wish you were here.
Landlady has had a cancellation for next week.
I will be stopping the Jubilee week now.
Been invited to the street party too.
Tell the cat l will be home soon