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Sunday 1 May 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached a busy car park at 6-40 p.m. 

It was another pale colour type of beach visit.

It was a mild evening.

They headed south.
The tide was going out having peaked around two hours earlier.
A lady in a yellow coat watched her white dog and her white dog play in the sea before heading for the dunes.

As they walked along, the beach began to empty of people.

Beach Buoy gathered some beach stones.
They headed up to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added the stones.
He patted
It was 7-11 p.m.
It looked cold but it was anything but.
The skylarks plus unknown support, sang over the dunes. 
A crack of dull orange light to the west was the only clue that actually really was a sun out there somewhere.

"See you mate."
They returned to the beach.
They headed North, back towards the van.

The sky and the sea looked glorious.

A couple passed by, they wandered along to the south.

A family group walked the strand-line.

 Beach Buoy found a tiny piece of sea pottery.
Beach Buoy met and chatted to a lovely couple. They chatted for quite a while.
It was a pleasure to meet them.