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Saturday 21 May 2022


Beach Buoy had set Saturday's alarm
 for 4-15 a m.
There was no need.
The dawn chorus burst into song at 3-40.
Beach Buoy was up by 4.
By 4-19 he was locking the front door.
A glance to the left and he could see the Bay's Wind Turbines spinning, seen or not.
By 4-25 Beach Buoy was boiling a pan of water, to make a thermal flask of coffee for the morning's walk.
By 4-35 a.m. feet and paws were on sand.
It was light.
The air on the beach was still.

Over the dunes, a silver moon , sliced in half from top to bottom. Looked like a postage stamp on a Postcard.
Wish you were here?

Out in the bay, beyond the horizon, a ship took aim at The Gares and the river that flowed between them.
Down at the water's edge, a lone pebble with legs picked up its skirts and ran along the sea edge.
The tide was more in than it was out.
The beach was empty of others.

4-48 a.m.
Bang on-time.
The sun peaked over the horizon.
On this beach at least, the sunrise was theirs.

Orange Juice for breakfast.

Windows turned gold, those with glass fitted at least.

The sun offered a pathway.

The Sea Serpent.
They headed south as the sun turned from an orange into a lemon.

They headed up towards the Dune Edge. 
The sunlight sprayed a Sand Banksy.

Meanwhile down at the water's edge, Little Terns headed south, then north, then south once more.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed for Stubborn Dog Stack. 

"Morning Mate ."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
It was 5-17 a.m.
Beach Buoy surveyed the beach.
Beach Buoy unscrewed his thermal mug lid.
He took a couple of mouthfuls of hot coffee.
The coffee tasted awful.
Beach Buoy should have just used the kettle.
Pan boiled water tasted bitter, almost burnt, if that were possible.
 "See you mate ."
They headed back to the beach wanting to reach Sand Martin Corner by beach, before the sea claimed the walkway.

In the end, they turned back a little short of their desired destination.

Beach Buoy hadn't wanted 

Sand Bubbles..Beach Buoy had.never noticed them before.

What's the blooming time?

The Front.
Seaton Carew.

 What's the blooming time.
Seaton Snooks out and about card