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Saturday 28 May 2022


Beach Buoy woke at 3-27 a.m.
The alarm was set for 4-06.
At 4-35 Beach Buoy and Another Dog were in the beach car park.

To the north, two sunrise seekers were stood down near the sea.
A band of low cloud looked like a distant mountain range.
Beach Buoy watched from the van.
Sunrise was 4-40.
It was a hidden one today.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog wandered down to the sea.
Two disappointed sunrise seekers headed back to the rock shop car park. 

Clouds blushed pink.
A camera shy seal headed north at walking pace.

It was 4-49 when the sun cleared the  "Mountain Range. "

Seafront houses began to glow.

A hundred or more Gills were resting down by the water's edge.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up to the dune edge so as not to disturb them.
The birds took flight anyway.

They headed back to the sands.
The sand was soft.
Their prints were deep.

After only 25 minutes of sunlight, the sun headed into cloud.
Beach Buoy collected seven stones for Stubborn Dog Stack.
They climbed the sandy slope.

Its a short walk fro the sandy slope to Stubborn Dog Stack.
A carpet of yellow flowers laid to the west of the short sandy track.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy patted 
He placed today's offerings.
It was 5-32 a.m.
He sat on a stack stone.
Coffee time.
Another Dog settled by Beach Buoy's feet.

The view was lovely.
Someone appeared from the north.
Shortly afterwards Hugo the Dog came running up to the stack.
Beach Buoy made a fuss of the big dog.
In the distance the distant lady waved.
It was returned.
Hugo went bounding back to the sea.
Beach Buoy exited stage left.
"See you mate "
He would have stayed longer.
She could have the beach now.

They headed back.
A light haired lady walked her Border Collie down the access ramp.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog rested on the  access ramp wall.

Dark. Clouds rolled out to sea.
Beach Buoy drank the last of the rushed Coffee.

 They headed for the van.