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Wednesday 24 May 2023


It had been a very warm day.

It was much cooler now.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off in a van that still held the afternoon heat.

They arrived in a very busy beach car park 

Lots of children and parents were on the beach for some type of organised event.

The water's edge was quieter.

To the north a few people wandered around.

It was much much quieter to the south.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
Although visibility was good, one long and long foghorn blew... Just the once.
The tide was well in so the sea was never that far away.
A rippled grey sea broke onto the beach with a white edge, followed by a seacoal chaser.
Three ladies with three dogs walked north from North Gare Pier.
A couple overtook Beach Buoy and Another Dog.
They were another couple dressed in grey and black. The same as each other but opposite.
The grey and black couple rotated 180 degrees, returning northwards.

Beach Buoy smiled at last night's driftwood bench as if it were an old acquaintance as he passed by it.

They headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.

Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
"Evening Mate."
It was 7-26.
Someone or something has dug a big hole next to the stack.
Beach Buoy refilled the hole using a dragging foot technique.

Beach Buoy watched two Tees Tugs cross from Hartlepool to the River.

"See you mate."
They returned to the beach.

A third Tees Tug played catch up.
The other two had already passed The Sea Serpent.

They continued north.

A lady stood at the water's edge with three barking dogs.

Two lads sat at the end of the promenade wall, music playing loudly.

Maybe trying to impress a group of girls stood just within the dunes in their taste of music?

An older couple sat at the bottom of the access ramp wall, throwing a ball for their old excellent dog.

Beach Buoy went back to the van.

Two Tina Turner songs came on in a row.

She had died.