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Tuesday 9 May 2023



Beach Buoy and Another Dog arrived at the beach later than usual.
It had been a long day.
It was mild.
They had been thunder and torrential rain.
It was beautiful now.

They set off along the beach at 7-35 p.m.
The light nights offered so much freedom.
A group of mams and kids were at at the bottom of the access ramp.
Some mam's sat on the low ramp wall as the children made a combined large sand castles.

Some children stood with tiny Union Jack Flags on sticks, waiting to claim the structure for the crown.

Two teenage couples headed towards the sea.
 They left their clothes in a heap.
They ran down and into the sea.
They all gave a combined scream as the North Sea cooled them.
It was bright even there were clouds in the sky over land.
The sky over the sea was a different story.

A sky blue sky sat above a darker blue sea.

Swimmers swam as others strolled along the narrow beach.
The tide had not long started to go out.
It left a narrow strip of sea-flattened sand.
It seemed to form a natural by - the - sea walkway.
 Beach Buoy and Another Dog had been up towards the dune edge, out of the evening's "traffic.'

Once, quite literally that the coast was 
clear, they too walked the water's edge.
There were some figures off in the distance.
They turned out to be friend not foe.

Beach Buoy found a piece of almost flat, pattern-free piece of sea pottery.
He skimmed it out to sea.

The figures turned out to be Narla, Pip and family.
They had a lovely chat.
Directions were given to Stubborn Dog Stack for next time and The Sea Serpent story was explained.

They went their separate ways.
One group heading for Fish and Chips the others to the Stack.

Hug the dune edge as you skirt the Grey Rocks.

The Sea Serpent Marker is on your left. 

Look for the well trodden path up the Sandy Slope.

Head towards the steelworks/ North Gare Pier.

Less than a minute's walk.
There he is.....

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted

It's a great spot.
Beach Buoy noticed his sit stone from the stack .
He went down to the beach to retrieve it.

The sit stone, aka the bum-shaped stone was returned.
It always will be.
A seat facing the sea.
"See you mate.'
They returned to the beach.
The light to the north was breathtaking.

They began a very slow walk back.

Dune Sunset.

The light was rehabilitating after a challenging day.