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Monday 29 May 2023



Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog headed to the beach.
It was a Bank Holiday.
They arrived at 5-12 a.m.
A Crow and a Gull seemed to be discussing the overflow situation at the Promenade waste bins.
Down at the bottom of the access ramp, other Gulls beach cleaned an area where people had sat.

The tide was well out.

Beach Buoy and the dogs walked towards the water's edge.

Team Distant Wave joined the beach, choosing to head south from the outset.

In time Beach Buoy and the dogs headed south too.

The sky and the beach looked half asleep or half awake.

Four Gulls that cried like Crows headed out to sea.

Hugo came bounding over.
As always he was welcomed with open arms.
He responded with his waggy tail.
Beach Buoy and Team Distant Wave chatted a while.

They headed in opposite directions.

Beach Buoy burst and bagged some balloons.

6-12 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
They stayed a while.
No coffee today 
"See you mate."

Another Balloon, burst, bagged and binned.

A Sand Martin flew low over the Grey Rocks, a wonderful site to see. 
Nearby, a Skylark stood on some dune edge driftwood as if listening to the sea, 
The audience for once.

A large driftwood piece lay near the Tank Traps. 

Aligned almost perfectly, with the dip in the dunes.
Beach Buoy wondered what tales that it could tell.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog would sit in the dip at times.

The nearest Tank Trap said nothing.

They walked back to the village.